Really addictive, really simple concept, and really hard difficulty curve.
The music is brilliant, the game entertained me for a good hour and a half I'd say. So far my best score is 103:44.
As I said, it's difficult to begin with, but once you've lost about 50 times you start getting the hang of it, and those nasty spiral things that seemed like certain death before suddenly aren't so bad.
Totally disorienting and trippy gameplay and music make it hard to concentrate and occasionally you'll slip up and go the wrong direction, but I suppose that's the point really.
The triangle could've been made to move a tad faster, since some scrapes are really too close for comfort, and some catch you out because you were only a tiny bit too slow. But then I suppose that helps hone your reflexes.
Regardless of what everyone else says, I liked this game, and it provided a lot of entertainment for quite a while.